Harry O’Donoghue’s performance in the main theater of the NCL ship The Dawn – 1,100 and standing room only! … Continue reading

This gallery contains 26 photos.

This gallery contains 11 photos.
2014 Harry O’Donoghue Irish Tour

This gallery contains 14 photos.
Hello, We’re sailing forth into the new year and hopefully it will be a good one for all of us, even the Mayans who presumably will have a blast and then call it quits. The rest us may have to … Continue reading
Tuesday November 22, 2011 Hello again, It’s been quite a while since I updated Ramblings, my apologies. We had some technical difficulty with the website which took some time to resolve but we are now mostly up and running at … Continue reading
Hi, I hope this finds you well and in a good frame of mind. I wanted to get this update out before I leave for Ireland on Monday. I’ll spend a few days with my family before picking up our … Continue reading
Hello, I hope this finds you in a good frame of mind given the state of things. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the recent weather events, nobody has ever seen anything like this before. … Continue reading
Hello again, Thanks for stopping by. It seems to me that websites may well go the way of mySpace and cassette tapes…everyone is on Facebook or Twitter at this moment in our evolution. Things change so fast, don’t you … Continue reading